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PBS Guam Local Programming - Higher Learning
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Close-up of a young potted plant

Season 1 | Local Farming

9 Episodes

Join us on a journey of local agricultural history, DIY home gardening practices, tips and tricks.

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A woman in a wetsuit talks to an interviewer on a beach on Guam

Season 2 | Kuentusi I Hanom and Art+Ideas

9 Episodes

Perspectives from Pacific Islanders are shared about the deep cultural importance and meaning of water in their lives.

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Four female traditional dancers perform on the lawn of the Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral Basilica on Guam

Season 3 | Ekungok i Estoriå-ta (Listen to Our Stories)

10 Episodes

As all historic sites have the treasured stories behind them, the goal of this project is to bridge CHamoru culture and historic sites as a means to perpetuate the native language of Guam and the Marianas. 

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Show host Cara Lin is sitting on the wetlands of a Guam shoreline jungle

Season 4 | Seagrass and Mangroves

4 Episodes

Join host Cara Lin as we explore Guam's seagrasses and mangroves, the life within them, and the incredibly valuable services they provide for people and the planet.

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Guest Robert A. Underwood is talking to a group of people over a webcam

Season 5 | Unincorporated: Ti Måmakpo'

10 Episodes

This project explores CHamoru stories, experiences and perspectives on civic engagement in relation to voting rights, democracy, political status and CHamoru self-determination.

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A hand holds up cultural CHamoru jewelry and two hand-made necklaces are laid out on a tabletop

Season 6 | Unincorporated: Art & Sovereignty

13 Episodes

Local artists share their responses to Democracy & CHamoru Self-Determination.

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Show host Dr. Mike Carson stands above an excavation dig site with original CHamoru latte stones

Season 7 | Archaeology and Ancient Sites of the Mariana Islands

14 Episodes

Join Dr. Mike Carson as we discover the scope and range of archaeology and ancient sites of Guam and the Mariana Islands. 

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An elderly CHamoru man is being interviewed

Season 8 | Manåmko' to Manhoben

4 Episodes

This oral history project works to document valuable cultural knowledge from our elders to be shared with the youth. 

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An illustrated early map of Rota

Special Presentation| Open Ocean Fishing in the Mariana Archipelago

1 Episode

This presentation features archaeological evidence of open ocean fishing dating back 3,000 years.

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About the Series

PBS University Higher Learning is a series aimed towards secondary education students. Based on topical discussion, the series is formatted to provide critical thinking and analytical insight on various subjects.


This program has been made possible by the Government of Guam Education Stabilization Fund.